Arts and crafts have long been used as part of occupational therapy (beginning as diversional therapy for soldiers returning from World War I), but their benefits go well beyond this narrow definition. Studies show that engaging in art can relieve stress, improve mood, and bolster self-esteem.
Reduces Stress and Anxiety
No matter your craft skill level or experience level, crafting can bring many health and psychological advantages into your everyday routine. From stress relief and mood enhancement, cognitive function enhancement and social connection enhancement; crafting can do wonders for improving mental wellbeing.
As one method for dealing with stress, the key is finding activities that allow you to engage your mind without being distracted by external factors, like browsing social media or overthinking a problem. Crafting is often used as an effective stress reliever because it allows people to become completely immersed in an activity which engages both mind and body – such as sewing, painting or solving crossword puzzles – completely and is said by psychologist Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi to bring on “flow,” an immersive state achieved when completely immersed in an activity which involves both body and mind reconnection when the mind and thoughts become quieted by immersed fully immersed fully immersed into an activity and mindlessness comes forth!
Crafts can have a soothing, therapeutic effect on both body and mind, similar to meditation. Additionally, crafting can improve sleep quality – an issue common for those suffering insomnia or struggling to drift off at night.
One recent study conducted in hospital showed that teaching knitting to anorexia nervosa patients led to them feeling less stressed after participating in this activity. Other research suggests sewing, quilting and needlepoint can also help lower workplace stress levels; and the Gerontology Research Group recently suggested arts-based programs could lower dementia risks among older adults.
Crafting is a great way to relax and unwind. Crafting is also becoming more and more important as adults struggle with anxiety, depression and loneliness; creativity provides them with safe outlets to express their emotions in a healthy and non-addictive way – instead of turning to pills as the solution, creative expression could go a long way toward helping them feel better!
Increases Self-Esteem
Many people discount crafting as just another activity for kids and grandmas, but it can actually help improve mental health. Creative activities stimulate the brain to produce feel-good chemicals like dopamine and serotonin that promote feelings of pleasure and reward while fighting depression, anxiety, and stress. Crafting provides an outlet from everyday worries while providing a calm distraction – plus its repetitive nature can be quite calming!
Crafting is an activity with numerous cognitive advantages that can improve memory and recognition, thanks to its focus-intensive nature that requires attention to detail and concentration – qualities which improve concentration, problem-solving skills and sense of mastery. Crafting also gives a great sense of achievement and mastery – seeing completed projects boost self-esteem while giving you an outlet to express yourself creatively while also creating unique items for home or wardrobe use.
Crafting can also be an enjoyable social activity, providing an opportunity to connect with like-minded individuals through handmade creations. Crafting can especially help those suffering from loneliness or isolation as it gives them a reason to get out and meet new people; furthermore it can relieve boredom while providing a routine that can boost moods.
Are You Searching for Fun and Therapeutic Activities to Try? Beginning small can help. Join a local craft group, an online community or pottery/ceramics classes today if you want to experience fun new therapeutic activities that may bring pleasure while also contributing to self-care and increasing wellbeing! Joining craft groups/communities/classes could help meet like-minded people looking for creative outlets and relaxation methods while socializing! You could also sign up for pottery/ceramics classes which not only allow socialization with others but will teach them the art of working with clay/ceramics/ceramics pieces you create can add beauty into decor as well as daily usage! Sign up today & experience self-care – boost wellbeing!
Builds Self-Confidence
Crafting can be an effective treatment option for depression, anxiety and other psychiatric conditions such as irritability or restlessness. Crafting can give patients a sense of accomplishment while improving mood and confidence – helping to reduce stress while alleviating symptoms associated with mental health conditions like irritability or restlessness.
As with meditation or exercise, when practicing crafting it is key to focus on the process rather than on its outcome. This form of mindfulness or meditation is beneficial when learning a new craft skill that requires concentration. Much like other forms of self-care such as mediation or exercise can provide relief from depression or anxiety; you may even find ways to incorporate crafting into your everyday routine without devoting extra time and resources to it.
Crafting can also help improve your mood through color therapy. There are various theories about the way colors influence our emotions; certain hues reportedly evoke specific feelings and emotions such as blue-green associated with relaxation or red which increases blood flow and stimulates the nervous system. Crafters suffering from anxiety often find working with vivid, bold hues can be therapeutic.
Crafting is an ideal social activity to promote community building and increase feelings of connectedness among participants, according to research from 2021. When done together with others, crafting can also increase feelings of motivation, accomplishment and increased feelings of connectedness between people.
If you’re curious about craft making, there are many resources online and in person that will teach the fundamentals. Furthermore, workshops and groups exist where like-minded makers gather. You could even start a crafting circle at home so you always have someone around when the urge strikes!
Builds Community
Crafting is an increasingly popular form of therapy among adults; it provides an outlet to relax and decompress. Plus, joining an established crafting community will make you feel supported and happier than ever!
Becoming fully immersed in a project allows your brain to switch off and focus on its task at hand, leaving any negative thoughts behind. Furthermore, it connects your body and present moment – key components of mindfulness practice. There’s even an official type of mental health therapy called Art Therapy which utilizes handmade arts and crafts as therapy treatments for various mental health conditions.
There is an incredible array of craft projects you can undertake that can help improve both your mood and wellbeing, such as:
Painting can be a rewarding and satisfying activity that engages both mind and body. Painting landscapes or abstracts provides a great challenge to both visual perception and attention to detail while providing an opportunity to explore your creativity.
Sewing and needlework provide both creative expression and cognitive training. Sewing can improve attention span and memory while honing problem-solving abilities; additionally, these activities often bring people together – many people work on quilting guild projects together!
Drawing is a wonderful way to express emotions and feelings, as well as develop fine motor skills and enhance hand-eye coordination. For best results, start off simple drawings then build on them over time until your skillset expands into more complicated ones.
Crafting is a fantastic way to combat addiction, but finding an activity you enjoy and can incorporate into your lifestyle is key. CRAFT Intervention Therapy, an evidence-based program which assists individuals in breaking free of substance abuse while developing healthy coping skills is available at free introductory workshops – visit one today to see if CRAFT fits with you!